Founded in October 2019, this website is my Home Page where I compile all the stories, pictures, thoughts, logs, and more about my life. From video games to a detailed journal about myself, I post things I want to look back on when I'm older. This serves as part of my legacy that I want to keep up for years to come. If you found this, you are one of the very few! So please feel welcome, explore, and I hope you enjoy my site :)
Update - 12/17/2022: Posted a new Journal Entry: November 2022
Update - 11/06/2022: Posted a new Journal Entry: October 2022
Update - 1/18/2022: Created a new Tamagotchi Page: Devilgotchi Tamagotchi
Update - 9/21/2021: Created a new Tamagotchi Page: Genjintchi Tamagotchi
Journal Entries:
Gallery Index:
Tamagotchi Index:
List of my websites:
My Favorite Things: