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Osutchi & Mesutchi Tama Log #1


This is my first log sharing my day-by-day experience with my Osutchi & Mesutchi. I had some great resources and guides to help raise these tamas on sites like and Osutchi & Mesutchi Wiki. I ran the Osu/Mesu two times before this, but this serves as my first official written adventure with the coolest pair of connecting Tamas! Without further adieu, please enjoy this log! :D

I purchased two sets of Osu/Mesu's on Yahoo Auction and they officially arrived March 10th, 2021. I was super excited to finally receive them and couldn't wait to play them for the first time! I bought the Blue/Pink pair and the Smoke/Clear pair along with two Tamagotchi cases to protect them. It also came with some neat booklets and I have no earthly idea what they say. They seem like log books or Tama journals. Anyway...

Bunbuntchi Sprite Bunkotchi Sprite

My girlfriend, Brittany, and I thought it would be a fun idea to play them together. I asked her which colors she liked the most and she loved the Blue/Pink pair, so it was settled. We officially hatched our first ones a couple of days after they arrived and tried to get the Bunbuntchi & Bunkotchi characters, we thought they were so cute! We saw they needed "average" care so I tried to neglect them since I usually take good care of them; however... I accidentally neglected them too much. :( We received the adults Megatchi & Gankotchi which we find somewhat ugly (in a cute way).

After the first play through, we figured we would shoot for the adults we wanted in another run. We let the first generation pass away and started again. To our disappointment, we got the same adults, Megatchi & Gankotchi. We weren't too happy, but we figured we'd give it a third time around. That leads us to this log! So without further adieu... we hope you enjoy this log as you walk through our adventure with us ^.^

Day 1 - April 1st, 2021

Names Shells
  • Blueberry (Male)
  • Cherry (Female)
  • Photo of Eggs

    I hatched Blueberry and Cherry at 1:09PM. Their cute little eggs are pulsating on the screen, I always love the hatching :) It's super cute when they pop out of their eggs!

    Osutchi Egg Mesutchi Egg
    Osutchi Egg sprite Mesutchi Egg sprite

    It's 1:14PM and the babies just hatched! They are both little black tear-drops with faces. It's so adorable!!! I hear they will stay a baby for around an hour. They are also super needy so that means this next hour will be crazy long...

    They both started beeping at me. When I checked on them I saw they were completely hungry and unhappy! They also pooped so I had to clean up.

    Both beeped again, needy little buggers. This time they were both sick and with a little poop, but also pretty hungry and unhappy. I want to make sure they are taken well care of because Brittany and I really want the Bunbuntchi and Bunkotchi adults. Tamagotchi Skull

    I got a little busy with house chores. I started doing dishes, sweeping, cleaning counter tops, throwing in loads of laundry, taking out the trash, and more! I'm proud of how productive I was today. Anyway, I checked up on the two and they are both children now! They are cute little balls with mohawk-like hair :P hehe, finally the care is easier. I'm hoping to get the good teen!

    Photo of children after evolution

    I haven't checked them in awhile. They were both 1/4 hunger and 1/4 happiness! I immediately fed them both. I decided to play games since their weight is a little high from candy. Currently their stats are 4/4 hunger, 4/4 happiness, 1 yr and 20 lbs!

    Blueberry & Cherry beeped and I see that they want attention! I had to discipline them both because they were being naughty. Now they both have 25% disipline, they'll be well behaved children soon!

    Both called for discipline again, now they are both at a healthy 50% discipline.

    It's 8:00PM and the little cuties finally went to bed. Unfortunately they went to bed a little hungry and unhappy, but I'll be sure to care for them tomorrow. Good night cuties!

    Blueberry Cherry
    Sleeping child Sleeping child

    Day 2 - April 2nd, 2021

    I decided to sleep in today and it felt soooo good. Sadly, that means I left the cuties unattended. When I checked on them they both had a single poop next to them. I rushed to clean it up. They were also 0/4 hunger and happiness! They didn't have their attention icon on which means that counts as one care mistake. I want to avoid to many so I can get the adults I want. Anyway, they're back to normal now and I think I'll take them on an adventure today!

    I took Blueberry & Cherry to the mall today to play the public piano. They have an awesome Chick-fil-a public piano and I love playing and letting people enjoy the music. I made sure to play Right in Two by Tool and Book by CHON, some awesome songs! Unfortunately, they were in my pants pocket so I forgot to care for them. When I finished playing and returned to my car I saw that they were grumpy from being hungry and unhappy, plus they pooped! Oh no :( I feel really bad, like a neglectful parent. Not fun... But I at least checked up on them and filled their needs.

    Photo of grumpy children after piano adventure

    I didn't log anything else today, so I put them to bed at 8PM and stayed up working on this website. I find coding, designing, and writing the content for this website oddly relaxing and fulfilling. It's my home on the inter-webs, so I'm happy to have my little corner on the Internet :) I hope you are enjoying this log so far, there's a lot more to come!

    Day 3 - April 3rd, 2021

    I woke up late today, as per usual lol. I had some bizarre dreams last night about a green witch woman stealing Brittany's car (which was my mom's vehicle IRL), and also a terrorist bombing at an intersection that Brittany and I were driving through. It was odd... the dreams were so vivid. Anyway, I briefly checked on Blueberry & Cherry this morning and let Brittany take care of them. They each had 1/4 hunger and happiness so I made sure she cared for them. Brittany says they had to be disciplined at some point and also pooped, so she took care of that as well. Off to a good start today :) their current stats are:

    Stats Blueberry Cherry
    Age: 3 yrs 3 yrs
    Weight: 20 lbs 20 lbs
    Hunger: 4/4 Hunger 4/4 Hunger
    Happiness: 4/4 Happiness 4/4 Happiness
    Discipline: 100% Discipline 100% Discipline

    Blueberry changed into the teen that looks like a tooth with two legs! Cherry hasn't changed yet, but hopefully she will soon! They were both sick when I checked and very hungry. They're all better now :) I'll give an update when Cherry changes.

    Cherry just changed too! She's the little tooth teen with ponytails. Honestly, it's not my favorite design, but oh well lol.

    Photo of Blueberry (osutchi) evolution to teen Photo of Cherry (mesutchi) evolution to teen

    Both the kids beeped and I see they were completely unhappy. I played 4 games on each of them and fed them twice to make them happy and full. It's nearly their bed time :)

    I spent some time making yummy Beef Lo Mein with Brittany for dinner, it was delicious and very filling! While we were making dinner I heard the two kiddos beep, when I looked at them they were already sound asleep. I made sure to turn out the lights and I hope to see them happy tomorrow.

    Day 4 - April 4th, 2021

    Happy Easter gif

    Happy Easter!!! It's the first Sunday of April 2021 and so Easter is here :) I love how Blueberry & Cherry match the egg theme today hehe. Brittany and I are planning to go over to my aunt's house to celebrate with my family, and I think I'll bring them along. Though, I think I'll try to keep them in my pocket most of the time. My focus will be on my family, not the Tamas.

    Anyhow, they were both 1/4 hunger and happiness so I filled them up, cleaned their poops and they seem happy. Their current stats are 3 years old, 23 lbs, 50% discipline, and full happiness and hunger. Happy Easter Blueberry & Cherry, and Happy Easter to my readers!!

    Hello all :) So I'm back from celebrating Easter with my family. I decided to pause the Tamas and keep them in the car during the event. I didn't want to neglect them so I figured I'd start again when I arrived home. I just unpaused them now and they are back to dancing around their screens.

    It's near their bed time. I made sure to fill up their stats since they were half full. Nothing too eventful today, so I'll update y'all tomorrow. Current stats are 3 years old, 28lbs, 75% discipline, and 4/4 hunger and happiness. Good night Tamas!

    Day 5 - April 5th, 2021

    Good morning all! It's a somewhat bright, but gloomy day out. I've been working since 8:00AM and I've been busy processing rejected trades for work (I work at a Mutual Fund research company). I checked up on the Tamas this morning and they seem happy as always. They pooped and were a little hungry, so I fed them and made sure they are ok. I think they will turn into adults within a day or two, so I'm super excited! Here is a pic of them; Sushi (our cat) made sure to watch over them.

    Photo of Blueberry & Cherry relaxing together Photo of Blueberry & Cherry relaxing with Sushi, looking out window

    I decided to head out for Whataburger for lunch, they came with me. It was sooo yummy today, and I made sure their were fed too.

    Both Blueberry & Cherry just beeped at me. It looks like they are 1/4 hunger and 0/4 happy. It's nice that they both seem to lose hearts at the same rate so I can care for them both at the exact same times. Anyway, I made sure to care for them. I'm expecting at least 1 discipline call today for 100% discipline.

    Blueberry just changed into Kiwitchi and got sick as well! He's really cute :D I didn't expect them to change today so this is a big surprise. It's not the adult that I wanted but it's better than the last ones (I got Megatchi/Gankotchi, the really bad health characters). Just waiting on Cherry to change tonight too!

    Cherry just changed into the same adult counterpart, Kikotchi!!! Honestly the female isn't as cute as the male character haha, but I'm still happy that they are all grown up. They grow up so fast :')

    Photo of Blueberry playing flags

    Cherry beeped, she apparently was 0/4 happiness so I played a few games to cheer her back up.

    Both of the cuties went to bed! Here's a pic :P My girlfriend and I plan on breeding them tomorrow or the next day, looking forward to it.

    Photo of Blueberry & Cherry sleeping (adults)

    Day 6 - April 6th, 2021

    Both Cherry & Blueberry had two poops, dirty kids! I cleaned up up swiftly.

    I just got home from lunch with my girlfriend and Blueberry beeped for discipline. He is now at 100% discipline! I'm expecting Cherry to do it soon as well.

    As expected, Cherry just beeped for discipline as well! She's now at 100% discipline.

    Brittany came home and we just had ourselves some dinner. I showed her the adults and she thinks they are super cute!!! Not the one's she wanted but we are happy nonetheless :)

    She and I decided to breed them in the hopes of a new generation. We popped off the connector caps, connected them together, selected the connection menu and they started beeping like crazy!

    Both Blueberry & Cherry started to dance around the screen until the boy stopped moving. Cherry rushed across the screen moving back and forth, beeping really fast. I honestly thought it was a glitch given how fast she was going. Once she stopped moving, she pooped out two little babies on her screen. She jumped out of excitement, she was so happy!

    Photo of Blueberry & Cherry Breeding 'OK' Photo of Blueberry & Cherry breeding and happy
    Next, one of the babies left to go with Blueberry. Now both of them each have a baby to transition to the next generation. Brittany and I are so happy we could see our babies grow up and have babies themselves (grandbabies hehehe). I don't know how long they will keep the babies before passing and moving on to the next generation, but I'll keep this log updated as they transition into the next stage. Anyway, I'll care for Blueberry, Cherry, and the new babies for the remainder of the night.

    Photo of Cherry with two kids!
    Photo of Cherry with her baby Photo of Blueberry with his baby

    Day 7 - April 7th, 2021

    I checked on the Tamas exactly at 10 to see how they're doing. They both had poops left over from the previous night, so I cleaned them up and fed them. I think today will be a relaxed day. I work from home so I keep them next to me all day :) I usually listen to music and chill out with them throughout the day. It's been nice being able to play them at my own pace rather than having to pause them all the time.

    Both Blueberry & Cherry beeped at me. It seems the babies got sick! They had tiny skulls next to them and were covered by poop. I cleaned their poop, pulled out the med kit, and saw that they were completely empty on hunger and happiness :( Oh no... they are really needy today. I played some games and fed them. Their current stats are:

    Stats Blueberry Blueberry - Kiwitchi Cherry Cherry - Kikotchi
    Age: 6 yrs 6 yrs
    Weight: 44 lbs 44 lbs
    Hunger: 4/4 Hunger 4/4 Hunger
    Happiness: 4/4 Happiness 4/4 Happiness
    Discipline: 100% Discipline 100% Discipline

    It's been an uneventful day. I spent most of today working on a project for work where I source mutual fund information. Boring... Hoping to work out later and maybe bring the kiddos along.

    Brittany came home after work about 30 minutes ago. We decided to order pizza from Dominos (pepperoni with chicken, yum!). I handed Blueberry & Cherry to Brittany since she's been making me handle all the parenting! We noticed that Blueberry and Cherry's babies were sick so she healed them, cleaned two poops, and handed them back to me. "I'm done, I'll be an absent mother," she said. Hahahaha... yeah... thanks.

    Blueberry, Cherry, and the babies all went to sleep now. The babies are so cute :) They have these cute little blankets that cover nearly their entire body. Soon they'll leave their parents and grow up into big kids. Anyway, good night!

    Blueberry Cherry
    Osutchi - Blueberry & Baby Sleeping Mesutchi - Cherry & Baby Sleeping

    Day 8 - April 8th, 2021

    Both Blueberry & Cherry beeped at the same time. When I looked they had two poops on the screen. I couldn't even see the babies because the poop took up so much space! When I cleaned the poop, I saw that the babies were sick as well. I healed them, and then I needed to fill all their hearts. It seems I neglected them a lot this morning :(

    I filled their hunger, played some games, and now they are filled up and happy! Woohoo!

    So I didn't log anything for the remainder of the day due to feeling under the weather (migraines). I slept for the remainder of the day until Brittany came home around 6:30PM. When she came home, she took me out and got me some food and tried to help me feel better. After eating and returning home, I handed her Blueberry & Cherry and asked her to care for them. She said they had poops covering the babies and that the babies were sick. She did everything to fill them up for the evening and put them to bed at 10.

    Sadly, this would be the last time we would ever see Blueberry & Cherry :(

    Day 9 - April 9th, 2021

    I normally don't check on Blueberry & Cherry since they wake up at 10:00AM, but I felt a strange urge to check on them. It appears that Blueberry & Cherry passed on and left their babies to us :( I'm so sad they are gone!!! They were special to Brittany and me and I'm miss them already.

    Osutchi - Baby Mesutchi - Baby
    The babies were completely hungry and unhappy so I fed them meals and snacks. It looks like their food items are different (the snacks look like cupcakes). I really want to care for them but I want to take a break for today. I put them on pause and plan to start caring for soon. We have yet to decide the names.

    We believe their final stats were roughly the following:

    Stats Blueberry Blueberry - Kiwitchi Cherry Cherry - Kikotchi
    Age: 7 yrs 7 yrs
    Weight: 56 lbs 54 lbs
    Hunger: 3/4 hearts 3/4 hearts
    Happiness: 3/4 hearts 3/4 hearts
    Discipline: 100% discipline 100% discipline

    Final words...

    I am deeply sad that Blueberry & Cherry left us. Brittany and I both loved caring for them and being with them along this adventure. It was a pleasure to document and share our story with them, from taking them on lunches, playing piano with me in the mall, to keeping me company during work. I'm grateful for being able to log their lives and I'm sad they are gone. However, life moves on and I plan on caring for their babies soon.

    So with that being said, THANK YOU for reading our first Osutchi & Mesutchi log! We hope you enjoyed our adventure with Blueberry & Cherry and if you would love to hear about their children, please check out our next log. Bye bye for now :)

    Thank you gif